Winegarner Auto

Wheel Alignment

wheel alignment

Reliable Wheel Alignment Services

Winegarner Auto offers top-of-the-line vehicle alignment services for a wide range of cars and trucks. Our alignment technicians are extensively trained to properly align your vehicle using advanced equipment and software. This makes it possible for our team to handle even the most complex front-end and 4-wheel alignment services. You can count on us to bring your vehicle back to optimal performance — allowing you to enjoy smoother and safer rides every time you hit the road.

Set up a car wheel alignment appointment with Winegarner Auto today.

Signs That It’s Time For A
Wheel Alignment

It’s important to check your vehicle’s alignment every 10,000 to 15,000 miles. However, many objects on the road can slowly cause your tire angles to change, including large potholes, curbs, and speed bumps. That’s why, if you notice that something might be wrong with your vehicle’s alignment, schedule a visit to our shop as soon as you can.

Here are some signs you need to visit Winegarner Auto for a wheel alignment:

Uneven Tire Wear

The way your tires wear can indicate if you have vehicle problems. Uneven tire wear may suggest that your wheels are not properly aligned, causing the tires to wear out more quickly on one side, either on the inside or outside edge. It’s important to take action and schedule a wheel alignment with our qualified mechanic to restore balance to your tires and prevent potential issues from worsening.

Pulling to One Side

When your vehicle pulls to one side, it indicates that you need an alignment service. This happens because the suspension angles of your wheels no longer match each other. If left unrepaired, bad wheel alignment can cause poor vehicle handling and increase your driving risk. Get in touch with our alignment mechanics so we can help keep your wheels properly aligned.

Off-Center Steering Wheel

Your steering wheel should remain centered when driving straight. If you notice that it is off-center, then there could be something wrong with the alignment of your wheels. This could lead to a variety of problems, so consult with our certified mechanics right away. We can help identify if your off-center steering wheel is caused by bad wheel alignment or a different vehicle issue.

Shaking Steering Wheel

It’s important to be aware of how your steering wheel feels when you drive. If it is vibrating unusually, it would be a great idea to have your wheel or tire alignment inspected. Bad alignment can be really dangerous if not promptly addressed, so make sure to have your wheels realigned when necessary.

wheel alignment tool

Trusted wheel Alignment Shop in Centralia, IL

For all your wheel alignment needs, get in touch only with Winegarner Auto. Our team is 100% committed to providing premium-quality wheel alignment services at an affordable price. We understand that bad alignment can be a major safety hazard, which is why we make sure to get every job right the first time. Rest assured that our certified alignment technicians use the latest tools and techniques to ensure that your wheels remain properly aligned for a safe, smooth ride.

Get in touch with Winegarner Auto today.

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